Cowan and Kaufman.... Others? Looking for a jumping in spot....

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Those are good and there's also Stefan Lanka but I'm just starting to look into him.

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May 15Liked by Jonathan

Stefan Lanka is a virologist who discovered that viruses aren't what they're cracked up to be or something like that?

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Yeah pretty much. I'm currently watching an old documentary on the whole HIV/Aids thing and he's in there a few times.

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Exactly half of our problems are caused by saying yes, and half by saying no, and halt by not saying yes when we should (no by omission )and half by not saying no when we should (yes by omission).

Likewise, half of our illnesses are caused by external factors like parasites, fleas, bacteria, viruses, sunshine and too much food or poisons and half are caused by unhealthy deficiencies of food, poisons, sunshine, viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

But that's ignoring the dimensions of terrain. What is terrain? Terrain is our "soil". Limited concepts of terrain - limiting the view of terrain to "human flesh" for example, are limited...

We might view terrain as our internal and our external environments. But... That puts the viruses, bacteria, fungió, etc in the "terrain" - as it should be. Sometimes a virus or bacteria improves our healthiness. Other times, the same virus, bacteria or fungii can cause illness. Often, when they harm our healthiness, or create illness, it's because the "other half" of our healthiness is vulnerable. No healthy person dies from COVID or measles. When we are healthy, these "infections" cause improvements in healthiness by training our terrain to deal with them effectively.

Clear as mud? To your health, tracy

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Thank you for your comment Tracy. I like that idea of the environment as being part of the Terrain. I believe that in terms of the environment that man-made electromagnetic fields also play a major factor as focusing on this has provided the biggest turn around in my ability to stay healthy, stay energized, and avoid sickness.

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Thanks. Environments are internal too. Your body is an environment for organs and tissues, tissues are environments for cells... Terrain can be a powerful wide view of the "nouns" of life, which are constantly being sffected by the verbs, the processes of life.

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