“It is better not to treat those who have internal cancers since, if treated, they die quickly; but if not treated they last a long time.” (p230, Hippocratic Writings)
I’ve lost loved ones to various forms of cancer (or would cancer “Treatment” be more accurate?) and I currently have folks I love battling some form of it. I’m not trying to scare anyone with this but I’m simply trying to ask a question and I don’t believe there will ever be a good time to throw this out there. I’ve always been an odd individual. I remember getting into an argument with my 2nd-grade class about the existence of Santa Claus 20 v 1. One of my few strengths, if I choose to use it, is looking at something and saying, “Yeah this ain't right.” I believe the whole framework with which we approach cancer is one of these things. I’m not a doctor and I’m not telling you to stop seeing yours, I’m just an individual that likes to question things. Now onto the post….
There are certain things in my life that I’ve heard one too many times and after a while thought, “Hey maybe I should look into that.” One of these things is the nature of cancer.
How it forms
What it does do after it has formed
How does the rest of the body respond
How to deal with it
I’ve heard from a few people in the alternative health sphere that cancer, although a bad sign, is the body's way of dealing with toxins1 or wounds2 as a last-ditch effort if you will. There are a few books on it like, “Cancer Is Not A Disease, It's A Survival Mechanism” by Andreas Moritz which I will probably read down the road but for now I wish to explore this myself and connect the dots.
The better we research topics ourselves the better we can understand/teach them.
Instead of being the all-consuming fire as the established narrative tells us they are firemen trying to put out the fire just before the building collapses. The fire, is something we haven’t fully identified based on this theory. But there is a plethora of information pointing towards processed food, chemicals in our food, lack of sunlight, and non-native emf emitting from our devices.
Additionally, ask yourself what other natural processes of the body are attacked as being something abnormal. Cholesterol Perhaps?
The Established Narrative
I think everyone knows the current tune that’s being sung about cancer. Our cell's ability to generate and use certain types of energy becomes altered. Why, is largely unknown beyond the typical culprits from the mainstream being red meat, the sun, genetics, and tobacco.3 Over time the cells replicate out of control while using glucose as an energy source and the only solution is to radiate it and cut it out.
There are also various types of medicine that attack it in different ways through hormone therapy.
The end result, unless its Stanislaw Burzynski’s antineoplaston treatment, is that it eventually comes back or, “Metastasizes”4 and different more harsh treatments are required. Some of these treatments kill the individual before the cancer does(as I’ve gotten to witness) or brings them close to the point of poverty. #BreakingBad
The better the worldview and tools the more likely problems will be solved.
The worse the worldview/tools the more likely the problem will persist.
In summary, the established narratives say that cancer cells
Can come about due to our genetics(hereditary)
Caused by DNA damage
Grows without being signaled
Prevents the immune system from attacking it
Directs blood vessels toward themselves
Pumps out lactic acid (which has some positive benefits/more on this later)
Depends on sugar for fuel #Warburgeffect
Are oxygen-deprived or, “Hypoxic”5
Let's look at this from a different perspective. Blindfolded, as all of us humans are, maybe the object we’re touching is not an anaconda but the trunk of an elephant about to go on a rampage.
Paradigm Shift
So, this worldview states that cancer is the response to the toxicity and not the toxicity itself correct? Then how do we look at the things that make cancer, cancer, from a different perspective?
Genetics is the go-to answer for any disease. Modern-centralized medicine came into being at a time when eugenics(fueled by Darwinian evolution) influenced everyone’s worldview. I remember back in college I had a class specifically on Teddy Roosevelt and the time period surrounding him. If you threw a stone in any direction chances are you would hit a eugenics fanboy.
“Oh look these groups of families are always sick and they have these mental issues. Therefore we should control their ability to reproduce. Oh, and we should control those blacks too” -Typical Eugenics Fanboy
Me - “Hold on there bucko”
In recent history, there’s been a greater focus on epigenetics. This is the theory that our environment influences our gene expression aka how our body develops and responds to certain stimuli. There‘s a phrase that goes along with this that says,
“Genetics loads the gun, epigenetics pulls the trigger”
Genetics can tell us part of the picture but not the whole thing. For example, the BRCA1 & 2 are used as a genetic marker to determine whether someone is likely to get breast cancer. They are genes that use proteins that help repair damaged DNA. About 50 to 70% would have a harmful BRCA1/2 by 70 - 80 years of age.6
How many have the mutated BRCA1/2 gene? One in every 500.7
So 1 in 500 has a 50% chance of getting breast cancer by the age of 70 to 80?
This is all under the assumption that the tests are accurate. For all we know they could be popping out false positives like the PCR during Covid. Which, that diagnosis from the doctor will be so traumatic that you think yourself into being sick.
Looking at sickness and disease from an epigenetics perspective might yield better results. There’s a short documentary I stumbled on called, “Pottenger’s Cats” which was an experiment where they have different groups of cats being fed different meals.
Raw Meat/Dairy
Cooked Meat/Pasteurized Dairy
The Raw meat group were beasts and so were their children and grandchildren. The other groups were weak and their grandcats were literally falling apart. Trying to get some in the other groups on raw meat yielded some results but they were still busted. I bring up this study because I believe humans are the same way. The quality of food our grandparents ate will affect us and what we eat will affect our kids and grandkids.
As Hippocrates said, “All diseases are born in the gut.”
So if the grandparents are eating food depleted of nutrients while receiving toxins from chemicals in the environment it should be a no-brainer how both they and their kids will be messed up.
Therefore, cancer is only genetic/hereditary in that you will likely be exposed to the same environmental toxins as your family. If your descendants had a certain disease, it will only manifest if you choose to live, eat, and think in the same ways that they did.
And when you receive enough of these toxins your body will work to get rid of them.
Wrap Up
This change in how we look at cancer if it comes about, will require us to look at any sickness with this framework. What in our environment is causing my body to react and expel toxins?
If you’re a paid subscriber follow along as I redress the other points from this alternate worldview down the road.
Thank you for making it to the end and the comments are below.
Until next time….
For over a decade, I helplessly watched as my late wife struggled with cancer. Between the chemo and the radiation and the DOZENS of medicines she was prescribed, I realized that it was not so much the cancer that killed her, but the treatment that steadily ruined her health so that when she finally contracted pneumonia, she had nothing left to fight it. Because of quacks like Fauci and my wife's last oncologist, I have developed a deep distrust and contempt for doctors in general. Like the ones in the ICU where my wife died, MOST doctors are much more concerned with profit than with patient care. Like hydroxy and Ivermectin that was largely rejected in favor of the dangerous and untested Covid vaccines, I fear that as long as oncology is a big moneymaker, there will NEVER be an eradication of cancer.
Also wanted to add that a good friend of mine who was very health conscious and in very good shape for her age was shockingly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She had a radical surgery to remove part of pancreas etc., but chose NOT to take chemo. She said “I’m not putting that into my body.” She died a year or two later, but she was able to live her life for the most part nearly until the end. My grandmother also died of lung cancer, no surgery and no chemo. She was a heavy cigarette smoker though.