May 28Liked by Jonathan

As a Christian, I believe that my wife's death was ordained before she was born. Nevertheless, as time goes by and I learn more and more, I am convinced that Covid protocols, and the junk science that came from it, sealed her doom. From the rise of the big pharmaceutical companies to the foisting of Obamacare on this nation, to the cult-like beliefs of oncological medicine, I am convinced that whatever motivates most doctors, the care and well-being of their patients is a low priority.

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Thank you sharing. Agreed

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The contents of bodily fluid removed from the body are now no longer in their natural environment; they WERE being governed by the brain, but now they are naked & defenseless & rudderless. The brain can't tell them what to do nor can it send help when they are assaulted by the scientist. Anything that happens in the petri dish is blatantly unnatural -- it can't be trusted to be a true representation of what naturally happens in the body.

Are you aware of the HIV/AIDS/AZT scamdemic? They never proved they found HIV and yet developed a test for it. Many people tested positive for what did not exist -- and many didn't even have symptoms -- and then they began consuming AZT and THEN started showing symptoms and slowly withered away to death like poisoned plants.

So my point is >> What if some, or even many, tests for cancer are blatantly pseudoscientific, leading to false positives and deaths by unnecessary treatments?

Here in the UK there is a massive psy-op mindfuckery campaign going on about cancer. "They" seem desperate to scare people into getting tested & treated (killed). It's really quite obvious. Not only pushing the advertising big time on telly, but on billboards and online, and through the post. I've received 3 letters this year from the NHS inviting me for screenings for colon, prostate, and brain cancer. I just sneer at the letters and bin them.

To learn about a subject, it is wisest to study its history. Go to the start. Find out when & how it began. It's no good starting from modern times -- mid indoctrination -- gotta see how things started and developed. And I'll tell you, I can't get any fucken traction on the subject. The word "Cancer" has been used numerous ways over the centuries. Its definition has changed numerous times. Until Big Pharma times, it was basically used to describe a tumor or a hole that wouldn't heal, or a site on the body where it appeared something was eating away at the bone. Nowadays, it is claimed there are over 300 different types of cancer...

The subject is very murky -- and way, way murkier these days because it's all been reduced to chemistry. I don't trust "they" really know what the fuck they are talking about when they babble about T-cells & proteins & enzymes & antigens. It's all OUT OF BODY. It's based on microscopes & chemical mixtures.

And REMEMBER >> These people you trust to know what they are talking about when they use words like T-cells & proteins & RNA are the same mutherfuckers who claim viruses exist and that bacteria are parasites and the cause of so-called contagious illnesses.

So those who erroneously claim that bacteria attack living cells & tissue are the same people babbling about "cancer" and its so-called causes. Puhleeeeze. They dazzle us with their fancy words and befuddling concepts delivered with smug confidence & authority.

We've fallen for the old name trick >> we think just because a symptom or condition has been named, that it is actually a thing rather than a description. Ditto for the microbes >> just because we call something a protein or DNA or antibody does not mean that it is what we say it is or that is does what we say it does. We just take them at their word. Blind faith. Blind trust. Take the fake test. Fail the fake test. Start the treatment. Die from the treatment. Death certificate lists cause of death as cancer.

Ever notice the human body is sealed? As if we really weren't meant to open it up and try to figure out how it works inside? Kind of like a super expensive car whose engine compartment is sealed and the owner cannot access it to tinker around with it...

How long did mankind survive & thrive before the invention of the microscope? Before the invention of the hypodermic needle? Before microbiology? Before the invention of allopathic treatments? Before tests & screenings? I suggest it was thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years.

Look up the Top 10 causes of death for 1901 -- do you see Iatrogenesis on the list? Now look in the year 2016 -- Iatrogenesis is the #3 leading cause of death.

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Love this!!!!!

Yeah I watched a documentary on the whole AIDs/HIV scare and it seems like the prequel to covid just replace remdesivir/ventilators with AZT. But I'll need to look into it more.

In my part two cancer article way back when I tried getting into some of the history and I arrived at similar conclusions that many things with the body that people didn't know about back then are now labeled as, "Cancer." Cancer just seems like an umbrella term.

I haven't gone down the road of questioning T cells, proteins, and such per se but I am lacing up my shoes. Realizing how much exercise science is based off of dead or separated tissue has me questioning a great deal of the knowledge in fitness as well.

What's awesome about all this is that the more I question, the more I investigate, and the more I learn. All of this leading to a better state of health and independence.

Then I have people like yourself come along and give me some things I haven't thought about before like your car engine analogy. Thank you.

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"what occurs in a petri dish is different from real life." Exactly! Why is this so hard for people to get? It seems like common sense. Awesome article Jonathon. I have come to believe that cancer is the body's process of trying to heal, so let's support it, not go on a killing spree.

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Thank you Nina. Agreed.

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